


Baking is a method of cooking food by heating and baking it in an oven. It typically involves

ingredients such as flour, sugar, yeast, and other materials, which are mixed together and

leavened before being baked in the oven.

The history of baking can be traced back to ancient civilizations when people cooked

food using fire. Over time, baking techniques have been improved and developed into a

significant food-making technique.

In modern society, baking has become a popular leisure activity and culinary culture. People

can try various types of baked goods at home or in coffee shops, such as cakes, bread,

biscuits, and more.

The process of baking typically requires certain skills and experience. First, one needs to

prepare the necessary ingredients and tools, such as flour, sugar, yeast, mixers, baking

pans, etc. Next, the ingredients are combined and then added with an appropriate amount

of water or milk for leavening. Finally, the dough is placed in the oven for baking until

it reaches the desired level of doneness and texture.

Different types of baked goods require different techniques and recipes. For example,

when making a cake, it's important to master the art of protein beating to ensure that the

cake has a full volume; when making bread, it's important to pay attention to the fermentation

time and temperature to ensure that the dough ferments fully; when making biscuits, it's important

to pay attention to the hardness and shape of the dough to ensure that the biscuits are well-formed.

In addition to traditional baked goods, modern people are also exploring more baking innovation. For example, using new materials and technologies to create healthier and more delicious baked goods, such as low-sugar, low-fat, gluten-free options. In addition, some people are combining baking with art to create unique and beautiful baked goods.

In summary, baking is not only a method of making food but also a culture and lifestyle. Whether

at home or out, people can enjoy the deliciousness and fun brought by baking.

